
中华周易研究会[调理运程|改命调运] 中华周易研究会 中华周易研究会[调理运程] 2007-6-2 23:00:47



柯 资 能

(中国科学技术大学 科技史与科技考古系,安徽 合肥 230026)




关键词:先天易; 二进位制; 序数; 邵雍;汪莱

A research on the mathematics foundation in the primordial Yi

——on the primordial hexagrams' order and binary system

KE Zi-neng

(Department of Science-technology History & Archaeology,

Science-technology University of China, Hefei 230026, China)

Abstract: Departing from basic concepts of cardinal numbers

and their numbering orders, the paper differentiated and

analyzed some concepts easy to be confused related to binary

system, pointing out that the introduced concepts of ordinals

played an important role in the development of modern

mathematics. As the foundation of SHAO Yong's mathematics, the

primordial Yi, in the history of mathematics, exhibits the

first specially defined ordinal system, in which the binary

numbering method was used at the first time. Being a binary

ordinal system, the primordial Yi aroused different

repercussions: opposers censured it debased Yi; While,

departing from the angle of the P carrying system, WANG Lai, a

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